In taking a step out of my norm, I drove to Colorado to take some professional portraits. Alyssa is a fellow U of I psychology alum, but we didn’t officially meet until this shoot. She’s a sincere and thoughtful professional with a rich background in research and teaching, among the many hats she wears. One of the ways her work directly applies to most people is in making the aviation industry safer. There is no less beauty to be found in photographing someone in their professional realm than their personal realm. Choosing to passionately pursue something with so much of your life IS personal! I love to imagine the rewarding moments when they know that their hard work has made a difference to people and that they can do it well. I’m finding more and more that it’s worth it to work towards doing something you enjoy and know you are made for. I really want to grow in capturing who people are in respect to their work.
When standing in front of a camera it’s easy to feel pretty vulnerable. What an honor every time someone gives me the opportunity to see into their world a bit and let me photograph them, letting me see part of who they are and capturing a glimpse!